Wednesday, November 4, 2009


It has been a crazy couple of weeks. I haven't got time to post much about it tonight, I am still sick and need to get some sleep, but I will have some time tomorrow to post. Until then, check out this youtube video, pretty cool.

A quick synopsis of the past few weeks:
1) New SAC elections for president...again.
2) Trick or Eat- HUGE success this year, I am beyond happy about how it went.
3) THUD- the super stud party that happened the same night as Trick or Eat, went off pretty well, and we even did better than making it break-even. Yay for UNICEF and the local Food Bank!!
4) Sick. After a crazy few weeks, I ended pretty ill, but I'm on the mend.
5) I am going to bed now.
6) goodnight.

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