Monday, January 5, 2009

Here, we, go!

I'm back!
It is nice being back in Sackville, and back in Campbell Hall. I was getting a bit lonely at home. Compared to living with around 162 other 17-22 year old, when all of my siblings left to go back to their respective homes, living with 2, 58 year olds who are "set in their ways" felt very odd. I love my parents, but I don't think I would be able to live at home for too long again. 

Well, it is the day before classes begin, again. I am all unpacked, with almost all of the right books for the right classes. Now, I just need to make sure I wake up tomorrow for my 8:30 class. To be honest, I think it is going to make for a rough term. Cultural geography, you'll be the death of my bad sleeping habits! 

I just thought I'd let anyone who's interested know I'm back, and the blog postings will be starting up on a regular basis again. Today, I've got a few class schedule and book issues to sort out, so I am off to do those now! 

Till next time! 

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