Wednesday, July 14, 2010

London or Paris?

If Paris and London were both an option on your list of places to live... how would you decide? Where would you end up?

Both cities have ups and downs. Is either better than the other?

Tourists, crowds of people, busy streets, and foreign languages are constants of either city.

Paris is a big city and it felt like it. I have this odd thing that if I don't feel comfortable in a city when I get off the plane, or off the train- it is something about that first impression that does it for me.

London happened to be one of those cities- one where you sit down at a café or a restaurant in the first hour of being there and it just feels like home.

Mind you- Paris has the summer sales! London is expensive to shop, to eat and to play. Paris is as well, but at various times during the year- everything goes on sale. It is a miricle across France.

Nonetheless... I think London stole my heart. I can tell you exactly when I fell in love with the city- that my be in part because I was there only a few days ago- I can even tell you which restaurant I was sitting in.

What would you choose? How would you choose?

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